Thursday, December 13, 2012


tok tok tok!!! 
Alhamdulillah hari ni diberi kesempatan untuk bernafas~
sebenanye kan ade story~
tapi  x taw nk mule dari mane...
ok la cenggini....
korang penah ta berhadapan dengan orang yg
TERLALU sellfish???
hah masuk ni da kali ke 2 dah aku jumpa~
from the beginning nampak lelame aku da annoy tahap gaban lah..almaklum lah bile aku da start annoying ngan org..
cakap ikut sedap je la..tapi..adekah org cm ni mempunyai SENSE untuk berfikir.
HELL no!!
aku brani potong jari...
as a human being yg sempurna akal ,
kalo kite tgk org yg ketawa berdekah2
x kan lah die tgh marah kot
cemane kau bole ade kawan eh sebelum nih??
ke kau sememangnye  suka MEMPERAGAKAN sifat cenggitu???
i dont get u...
Selame ni kau x tunjukkan lemak kau
tapi bile makin hari..aku x bleh la nk fikir..
otak aku membeku..cenggitu jerrr
hadoii..siyes aku suh kau klua sebab aku x nk ape2 yg buruk berlaku kat kau.
aku cume mampu bg kau ruang berfikir n istiqomah dengan segala PERILAKU kau sebelum ni..
alasan kau sebok bekerje dan penat atau nk cepat x munasabah langsung..
n then kau x bleh nk jumpe org yg banyk tolong kau??
aku bukan la jenis maknusia kuat ngungkit~
tapi kau sebagai hamba allah yg COMEL sepatutnye mengetahui ADAB dan TATASUSILA~

1)kenang jasa org..jangan jadi ANJENG tersepit
2)AMANAH org pegang bebetul..bukan BANTAI je x kire HALAL HARAM
3)HUTANG orang ingat HUTANG sendiri???
4)PERANGAI tu kalo bleh ubah la...

P/S:sekarang nih kau bahagia kan dengan KAWAN baru yg belum kenal kau sape.
kalo kau x seda lagi aku doakan kau cepat sedar supaye kau x hidup seperti kera sumbang kelak
kite yak selalu bverade di atas^^
renung2kan dan selamat BERAMAL!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

sme things happend~

hey dude n chix!!whasup??anything??hahahah for thirty minute we can see how fast mimi here we go:

1)i see alot of people at facebook keep on posting status,picture regarding to BASHING Kpop industrial..whay a?is it wrong if certain people minat listening to music,watching drama?whats wrong?HELLO!!!open your eyes!! Just because kpop naik lately nih korg dengki ke hape?i dont really get it why the people have this mentality?? its just an ordinary music.the advantage is their looks,energy..thats all..bile ckap psal kpop jer antis sebok dok mix up everythings dengan agame..why??its just an interest la~sebab tu kot Malaysia yg kaya budi bahasa ni terus naik tangga ke 3 paling kurang haja..x suke pon x payah la buat benda or react seperti org kurang TAMADUN..think it~im not say that KPOP is good here but if we just listen to it is it WRONG???hurmmm...same like tou like to do something EG: can do it as long as x lupe ape yang ALLAH suruh dah la~jangan mengingatkan org kalo diri sendiri x brape nk bagus~kite bukan sentiase berade di atas ok??same jugak mcam korg suke shopping..even korg taw bende tu boleh mendatangkan pembaziran tp korg still keep do it??sebab ape??sebab tu INTEREST..kalo ko BASHING org punye interest ape jer beze kau dengan ORG yg kau BASH tu???xde beze kpop BERAK x BSUH kau plak BERAK TINGGAL TEPI JALAN..x de org taw pon kau buat silap sebab kau memang nk org nampak kau baik kan???Mind your own business lah~x payah nk nshat org..not disturbing you either... so please lah..lpas nih x payah la konon berdakwah tp x pandai nk attract org untuk dengar dakwah dari kau..kite x taw kekadang org yg addict ngan kpop nih sebenanye lagi kuat imannye dari yg lain~~

12:52 pm=ni jer hasil aku menaip selame 30 minit~~hahahahahah

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 November 2012...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
its been a long time saye x update kt blog neh....hahahaah nampak title pon cm bosan kan???

Yer saye BOSAN...hahaha keje dah x dak..kalo x time2 cenggini dok ketaq pala kelam kabut dok buat keje...since saye da ade 2 org click kt ofice kurang la sikit keje saye...x de la payah..sume pon kisahnye tak taw nk post ape sebab rase mengantuk tp x leh tido...otak rase beku..haishhhhhh cemane lah aku nk buat...kesian kau wahai sang mata..Mesti bosan kan please keep your eyes away from thisss post.....u are not INVITED.....
eh???merapu??hahah memang pon..x taw nk cerite ape..lee seungi dtang pon x bleh nk gy welcome..huwaaaaa...supah BORED to DEATH....NUEST pon nak datang 23 aribulan 11 ..nk pi lah...sape nk ikot????eh ade plak KPOPERS kt sini...Nasihat saye sile la jgan nk kondem INTEREST org tuh x kcau kau pon.....n for those whos keep pretending that u NEVER waste ur money for the things that u dont need please GO F*** UR SELF x gune kau nk nsihatkan not buying a on my way to stop it..but i cant...let me be myself...n what do you feel if other people bash u because u minat BUNKface(for example)???feel not worth rite if u argue???so just keep your self clear on what you doing ...just be nice to others..n THAT its...u proove it...

hamek kau ade plak bende yg nk ditaip...hahahah mate kuyu nihhh...huwaaaa......merepek kan??hahahah so im planing to travel n feel the winter season at seoul ,Korea on this coming stay tune if i rajin ok ....nk menaip mcm sekarang ni perlukan kekuatan..hahahahah...i the best things im not buying a flight ticket yet...hahahahah in fact dah booking guesthouse..hahah Sounds Crazy rite??hahahahaha but Who Cares?? hahahah NO going to buy before 4 november..hahahaha  so whos want to join my travel in next??im planing to travel Around Europe?? wanna join???hahaha so call me maybe.....lalalalal

after seoul trip i wanna go into bangkok maybe...its for sushow5 maybe..heheheheh then further my planning to macau/ bnyk duit kan??hahah ta da just planning..hahahahahaha...
nex ill post  the reason why im beingggggggggggggg

Sunday, August 12, 2012


hye all*xdemoodsgt*
as usual..every time dkt2 nk raye ade jer masalah yg berlaku..
kali ni lagi dasyat..pikir sampai sakit otak mencari punce..
knpe mak tinggalkan aku mcm tu aje..bunyi mcam mak x btanggungjawab kan??tp die seorg yg sgt bertanggungjawab..cume aku je degil,x denga ckp..aku x layak jd anak dia.
11/08/2012-dlam pkol 4 ptg tuh mak blik..okay sembang mcam biase..gelak2 n tidur smpai kol 5 lebeh..then mak bangun n mandi..da siap mandi tetibe mood die mcam hilang..terus die decide lpas buke die nk blik rawang blik..naik motor plak tuh..aku rase BERDOSA buat mak mara kat aku..half an hour pas tuh  aku tepon nk tnye wether die da sampai or  malangnye die x angkat telepon lgsung..aku mesej pon die x balas..mak...akak mintak maaf..hati sgt pedih bile mak kite sndiri ignore kite tp ape nk buat???salah aku...aku x brani nk telepon lagi..bile ayah aku sms die reply tp sms aku??hope suatu hari aku tawu ape sala aku =(

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

orang penting yg selalu ada bila jatuh bangun saye

the 1st person yang selalu ada bila saye jatuh tersungkur dan membantu saya bangkit semula...jejejengggg
Aien Nor Izzaty...saye sayang anda..even anda jauh di segamat sane...blaja dlu eh..nnt kite story mory puas2..blik jgn lpe roger taw :P sungguh saye rindu anda!sangat rindu..sorry aritu pi segamat x dan jumpa..bnyak kerja sayang!!u are the best for me untill my last breath!!!

okay this is second person yang selalu dpt detect masalah aku even aku x cerita kot dia..
pandai ja buat aku meleleh ayiaq friend forever aku..Ahmad Shamil..
dlu masa 1st kenal kat kolej ni blagak tahap nk mampuih punya..last2 org utara jgak..hang nk lari mana woi!!!hahaha (sorry yer neenah.kawan baik saye sahaje..hahaha)


ok saye mencuri gamba ini di facebook sahaje..hahahahahahaah
ini ade lah ikin unnie^^ini adelah kakak ke 2 yg saye ade we are in 'know each other phase'
she very care about other n selalu bg nasihat bila saye perlu..the most kind sis that i ever had!!
hahaha actually she so buzy in a i didnt want to mess up her life..shes now very buzy to settle
every single thing..never mind.ill understand u!but cinncha missyu unnie..
eh luah perasaan kakak yg paling cool saye pena jumpe..she is Shariza Ilyani...kecik kuat makan..kalah saye!tatkala org da surrender makan ..die nk lagi..hahahahahahha




 Nur Izzati...budak yg selalu buat klaka bile saye mara!!haishhh...nothing to describe
only god know how much i love YOu!!!

P/S: mian/sorry curi gamba di pesbuk anda...
       sile jangan tersalah nilai okeh...
       lpas ni sye akan post lagi sebab x abes lagi..hahaha ramai la...

Friday, April 27, 2012

i am as who am i

lately i lost something...
lost somthing that its so good for me..
im start to forget it..
but suddenly i get something that make me stronger day by day..
its hard for me to accept it but ive go through with this...

thanx for u for always be with me..
how stupid i am,
how bad i am,
how clumsy i am,
u accept me as i am..

yes i know there's nothing i have to worry about..
because u said that u always be with me...
n YEAH!! im trust in you..
not a trust as i said before..
but the new trustness from me...
i hope u also wanna keep what u have saying before..

now without u im lost,
still lost..
u are the strange for me to keep  moving on this life..


for understand me,
for helping me,
for love me as i am,
for your trust,
for be by my side,
mimie <3

Sunday, March 11, 2012

ketuk pintu hati dgn care macam !@##$%^^&*&^%$

hi peeps~
skarang ni dlam keadaan malas menaip~
tapi nk cerite gak~kesah plak korang nk bce ke x??
(ganas en???)
haaaa entri aku kali ni korg rase cemane??
dulu kn time dulu2 ade org tu hari2 sakitkan hati aku..sampai sekarang aku still
x leh maafkan die..aku x tau kat mane silap hati aku buat penilaian??
aku cube nk maafkan die tp itu la bende paling susah aku nk buat...kawan2
aku sume kate~'ko SYOK kt die ke mimi??' and my answer remaining same!!! 'NO'
tapi sume x caye...hmmph....aku x perlu nk mention sape die...sape yang kawan ngan aku taw kot
aku ni jenis cemane~aku x suke nk amek port psal bende yg xde kene mengene ngan x ksah~aku x ksah..die nk buat TAIK ngan aku pon x kisah~tp jgn sampai aku bersuare la~
aku bkn nk tnjuk aku hebat ker ..ape ke....x de niat lgsung...but its me~x leh terime lantak la~as long as aku hormat org yg hormat aku~
bebalik pade tajuk utame...haaa...sampai sekarang pon aku x taw knpe aku x leh maafkan die...die add aku kt fb makan mase gak la aku nk approve~aku x nk jd org yg x profesional tp x pe la..aku approve jer...x ksah pon..korg bole tolong ajar aku x cemane nk lupekan tanpe bertanye siape,mengape,bagaimane n bla bla~kejam ker aku??
aku hanye manusia biase yg x penah lari dari buat sialp~
to him :ko sakitkan hati aku teruk sgt...ko DESERVE dpt cmtu
to myself:just let it go MIMI!1nothing to do if u still keep it...not good for ur self at ALL!1
to other:hipokrit ke aku?kejam ke aku??sorii aku mmg x taw mcam mane nk ubah....
ok ..
see ya~

Monday, March 5, 2012


whats kind of hurt??
who makes u hurt??
hows u get in hurt??
why u are in hurt??

YEAH!! im so HURT!
im in HURT!
but who KNOW??
who CARES??
its NOBODY!!

thanx for those who still want to be my fren..
thanx for those who accept me as who i am..
i noe im a bad Girl!!
but ,
my PROMISE is..
ill be what i wanna be??
hate me??
im not a LOSER!!
this is ME
the NEW Nur Syamimi!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

mianhae cheongmal mianhae *bow,bow*

im feel im not belong there without u.....
im feel akward when u say u want to leave...
im feel soo sad when u said that u not deserve to CME family..
jinjja im feel bad when u take a decision to be hiatus...and its for LONG TIME..

u said that CME is okay without u..
u said other people can replace u to be a designer for CME...
CME group never exist without u..
CME is our family rite??

even we just meet for a while...
i really wanna be fren with you...
im begging u to stay with CME....
u can leave...but just FOR A WHILE
n i want to u comeback to us..
we accept who ever u are....

i know it hard to you...
we even know the feeling of other people ..
ill give u time...
time to get back ur strength...
time to you think it back...
time to u rebuilt ur heart back......

gomawo ...
u still accept me as ur fren...
even we are not so close each other..
but i dont want to missing a good friend as u...

mieramiahaelf a.k.a Nur Amirah Bt Lazaldin
am i rite??hehehe

Monday, January 30, 2012

hye hye hye!!!

hye u ollsss.....hmmmm ...ade bnde nk ckp tp....mlas plak.....ok la mimi feel so x dpt keje lg...smpai biler tah nk tggu...x ptus 2 usaha, blom ade rezeki kot..hmmm...x pe la....skang ni kne stat kmpl dwet untuk shoping bln 12 nnt...hah!!!korea trip...nk anta yeye msk army!!!waaa....nnt 2014 nk pegi gak sbb nk celebrate yeye blik...hmmm...bebaru neh saye gy xsmpai 3 ari pon...sebab driver kami ade keje nk kene setttle ...tu jd pelarian kem tuhhh...hahahah the only perempuan dalam kete tu..hahaha so dpt la bnyk advantage...hehee tp ketige2 buddies sye tu sgt baik n sgt sedih bile kene berpisah....mustaqim bin mamat....terima kasih sebab belanje saye..hahahahah semoge anda berbahagia dengan.....haahhaahha..thanx gak sebab share kisah hidup anda......sye xde gambar la plak nk share...ade lam disc kot..nnt la sye ahmad shamil bin abu bakar...kesemua plan merewang anda sgt la cpt aku nnt ade mse kita pi seronok lg ok??hang kn bnyak taw psal aku pon mmg sng la nk taw psai hang..hehehe ur my fren dunia akhirat...azri a.k.a mr bean...thanx berseronok sekali even sebagai pelarian camp!!!nnt kite g bercuti lagi n bole ko cetuskan hiscore untuk game ninja fruit plak...terrer la hang !!!hahahahah shaje cerite nye..nnt sye akan share lg ...daaaaa<3

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

BOW 90 degree...chukae suju!!

okeh~deasang award SUJU punye smpai bebile pon~over x statement neh??x an??hehehe well...x sia 2 buat acc bebanyak n vote for 5 hari non stop....lastly saye mampu bg hadiah kat leeteuk sbelom enlistment dia~warghhhhh...wanna cry!!! well ELFs sememangnye sgt kuat dan gagah~we always be the best for our idol star~saranghae<3....